How Pollie helped Katherine create sustainable changes with symptom management

Katherine has been working with Pollie since the pilot program! Keep reading to discover how she changed her perspective on PCOS management.

Meet Katherine! Katherine was a part of Pollie’s pilot program and has rejoined to be a member of our signature PCOS Program. Through the support of her care team, Katherine regained a positive relationship with food and created sustainable and intuitive changes to help take control of her health. Keep reading to learn more about Katherine’s journey.

What was your PCOS diagnosis and journey like?

I was first diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 and put on the pill for 10 years. I was told that I would be provided with more information on PCOS when I wanted to get pregnant. For years I felt uncomfortable with that explanation. 

Throughout college, I had various problems with anxiety, digestion, stress, and other symptoms without realizing it was related to my PCOS, which was confusing and stressful. 

During COVID, I started trying to educate myself and learn more about PCOS. Education is power! In the last two years since learning more about PCOS and working with Pollie, I have gotten personalized care and made intuitive changes that have resolved so many of my symptoms and made me feel empowered to take control of my life and health.

How did you manage your PCOS before Pollie? What symptoms did you struggle with the most?

My weight, anxiety, and digestion were the hardest things to manage. Before Pollie, I used to over-exercise, restrict carbohydrates, and did intermittent fasting to help, but all they did was exacerbate my symptoms.

What has been the most helpful part of Pollie’s PCOS Program for you?

Pollie has helped me regain a positive relationship with food by giving me a plan and ideas for meals and snacks. I see how food nourishes me to help stabilize my blood sugar, hormones, and energy levels. Pollie’s also given me ideas and tips for my symptoms that are personalized and can fit into my everyday life. It’s so helpful!

How has Pollie changed how you manage your PCOS? 

I manage my PCOS holistically now. I don’t beat myself up for my condition and realize there are habits and things I can control and others that aren’t always in my control or fault.

Learn more about Pollie’s memberships here or schedule a 15 minute discovery call with co-founder Jane to discuss which membership option is right for you.